Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I cannot read two books at once for the same reasons I could not have two children.

I always have a book on CD going in my car, but for some reason that doesn't count. I do make sure that my CD book and my "real" book are very different genres or topics but I think reading a "real" book invades my mind more completely than listening to someone else read to me. Whatever bound pages I am carrying around is what I consider the "book" I am reading.

Well, I thought I would reread The Grapes of Wrath (in preparation for the first Winter Discussion Group of 2008) while also reading Obscene In The Extreme: The Burning and Banning of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. Both books are fabulous. That is the problem.

Whenever I am reading one book, I am wondering about the other. Have I read both equally today? Am I getting more ahead in one? Does the other book feel neglected? Am I paying attention to what I am reading right now? My god, imagine if these were children! I would be counting hugs and timing conversations.

I only have one dog and I will only have one child and from now on I'm a one book at a time girl.

Post script: Jodi from circulation brought me a cookie in the shape of a shoe. It was beautiful and I was going to take a picture or scan it for the blog but I was hungry and I ate it. It was delicious.


Anonymous said...

What do you mean you ate the shoe??? She needs to bring you another so we can see it!!!!

ADW said...

you are funny Beth.. also a little OCD?? I promise the unread book is not sad/angry/hurt when you're reading the other book.