Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I love the dictionary. I have a big, fat, brown one at home that my mom bought me one Christmas (yes! I was excited!) and I run into my library, plop it on the floor, kneel down and put my nose against the small type as often as I can. Usually, my dog is there sniffing the book and wondering why I am crouched on the floor and not playing with him.

Anyway, I just started Fun Home by Alison Bechdel. Alison will be in NYC this November and I am very excited to finally meet her. I have only just started the book because my good friends Heidi and Sascha bought a house in Syracuse and moved away with my copy! They were good enough to mail it back to me. So in reading Fun Home, I came across a fun word that I didn't know: legerdemain. Great word, right? But in looking it up, the pages of the dictionary behind the Reference Desk fell open and the word in the upper right hand corner was floccinaucinhilipilfication. Wowzers! What a word!

The more you read, the more you have to read! And if you want to know what either of those words mean, go to you dictionary ... or your local library.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(Phew!) I'm glad it made it back to you!!!