Tuesday, February 10, 2009

NYC Comic Con 2009!

I had so much fun at this year's Comic Con in New York. I got to see Mo Willems (author of the Pigeon children's books, among others) read out loud while jumping, running and screaming around the stage. He was amazing. I also got to meet Bryan Lee O'Malley, author of the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels as well as Ryan Kelly and Brian Wood, who illustrated and wrote Local. I saw Jeff Kinney, author of the Diary of Wimpy Kid series but his line was too long!

I could never explain the amount of people crammed into the massive Javits Center, the elaborate costumes, the horribly overpriced foods or the feeling of camaraderie with other geeks - it was an amazing experience. Here are a few photos to illustrate.

This doesn't do the crowd justice - I needed a wide angle lens to capture that space. There were booths with publishers, artists, tv, films, video games, dolls, toys, clothes .... and on and on.

I had to wear comfortable shoes.

Checking out our signed copy of Local while waiting for Mo Willems.

Mo! He taught us how to draw the pigeon.

Long line for Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

I love to see people excited about books!

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