Friday, February 20, 2009

I couldn't make this up ....

These are the problems our patrons have:

A patron called and Terry answered the phone. She wanted a book that we don't have in our library. Another library in the county has it, and we can inter-library loan it. This takes about 3 days. The patron wanted the book now, so Terry called the other library and had them hold the book for the patron, who was going to go get it. The library requires the patron's library card number, which Terry gave them.

The patron calls back. She has sent her driver and her housekeeper to pick up the book at the other library. She is concerned now about whether the library will give the book to her housekeeper and her driver, since they don't have her library card.

Terry is currently calling the other library back to explain that the patron will not be there, but the patron's driver and housekeeper (why both of them, I don't know. Apparently the driver must drive the housekeeper).

Truth is stranger than fiction.


Unknown said...

makes me remember why i don't miss LI ;)

ADW said...


(actually, I do this all the time. I just send my kid on her bike instead of my driver with my housekeeper.. I need them around for more important things ;) )