Thursday, January 8, 2009

Yes, Doctor!

In the other blog that I contribute to, I reviewed a fabulous book: Doctor Olaf van Schuler's Brain by Kirsten Menger-Anderson. To my great surprise (and delight ... I am an author groupie) Mrs. Menger-Anderson quoted part of my review on her blog!
Here is my original review.
Here is the author's blog.


Unknown said...

oooooo, new york and medicine. sounds like my kinda book! congrats on the quote. you see, everyone is following your blossoming blog career :)

kma said...

Hi Beth--Though I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I have a google bot that returns results that contain Dr. Olaf or my name, it does let me connect with readers sometimes. I'm very happy that you enjoyed Dr. Olaf! Thanks for writing about the book. Best wishes for the new year and beyond. -kirsten