Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm not here right now, but if you leave a message ...

I leave in 3 days and there is so much to do! We have our big end-of-summer and end-of-summer-reading club tea tomorrow so we are baking and shopping and calling and generally acting like headless chickens. Meanwhile, I am packing and sorting and organizing and trying to make sure I don't forget essential overseas travel things ... like face wash or passports. And to top it off, I'm trying to finish my two British-themed books before I leave.

Last night I was all cozy in bed (with the AC on and my doggie snuggled beside me) enjoying the cute, quaint, book-lovers book The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Then I turned to page 178. Oh, I won't give it away but I lay sobbing for awhile. It's a wonderful, if slightly melodramatic, book. When it is finished I will quickly read The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett (Queen Elizabeth finds she loves to read ... what could be better??) and then I'm ready to crack my crisp, new paperback copy of Jason Pinter's The Mark on the plane.

Needless to say, I'll be too busy browsing the British Library and shopping at every book store I can find in Central London to do any blogging! So until September, happy reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CRAP! I mailed you a book yesterday (Wednesday) and I want you to get it before your trip.. what day do you leave?
