Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What do you do after graduating Hogwarts? Go to college.

Don't get me going on Harry Potter. These books are not only an amazing read, but the series is dripping with meaning, metaphors, religious parallels (think Golden Compass, but subtler). Well, finally Yale agrees with me.
CNN has an article on Yale's new class: Christian Theology and Harry Potter.
"Harry Potter is unfairly maligned simply because of the audience for which it is intended. Children's literature is literature."
My college had a class on the literature of Stephen King but I never had time to take it. I think these classes are great ideas - they are like book discussion groups, but with a leader who has an expertise in subjects within the books. And anyone who has read a book with a class or book group knows that so much more information and insight is extracted when a group of people get together and share their opinions. If I reread a book that I had read years before it is an entirely different book to me. I think it is because we are always changing and growing, experiencing new things and focusing on different things throughout our life. When a book is read in a different context, it is a different book. It is the same with a group of people (in a discussion or a class) who all bring their individual experiences, concerns, passions or frustrations to their personal reading. Through these groups we can read the same book through other people's eyes. Like Harry Potter, it's a magical.

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