Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Don't judge books by their matching covers...

So Pat, who is my friend/patron, is patiently waiting for me to finish The Third Angel by Alice Hoffman. She is on reserve for the book, which she will recieve as soon as I return it. In the meantime, she somehow realized that this book has a long lost twin.

Crazy, right? I suppose the two publishers purchased the same photo from an outside company. Absolution, published in November of 2007, technically had the cover first; The Third Angel was just published this month.

As I finish Hoffman's lastest book (which is covered in starred reviews and raves from Amy Tan to Jodi Picoult), I can summerize my impression in one word:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was afraid it was---eh! I told you I had read a review that felt the same way about it. Take your time finishing it! lol